We are currently on ranking 44 in the official german trendcharts. 🙏🏼 Ironically, the largest online provider, who could help us best to maintain this trend – now has huge delivery problems. If you want to support us despite this dilemma – or you are not sure, where to get the new items – here are a few tips on how to get the coveted gem and how we can on top generate official chart numbers together.

And finally there is the good old retailer around the corner! The younger ones probably don’t even know „this guy“ anymore. If you ask us…- support them – or the big markets – with avid and qualified music salesmen. Then you not only support us, but also those who have been bringing good music to the fans for decades through professional competence – these music connoisseurs believed in us from the very start of our roots – strengthened and made us big !
Guys like a „Völle or Theo Samson“ 4 X !
Thanx you for reading this and supporting us guys.
we bow for you 🤘